Dashboard Week Day 5 - Boy Bands

by Imogen Emmett

The task

  • Download 2 datasets on github: bands csv and boys csv
  • If data prep is required, use either Alteryx or Tableau Prep
  • Add additional data if you want to
  • Can use any data visualisation tool of our choice
  • Write a blog

My Plan

  1. Read the documentation about the 2 datasets on github
  2. View the data in Alteryx and carry out any data prep that needs doing
  3. Sketch dashboard on Excalidraw
  4. Create dashboard in Tableau
  5. Write blog

Data Prep - Alteryx

Step 1: added an input tool for the 'Bands' and 'Boys' dataset

Step 2: added a select tool to rename some of the data fields

Step 3: used a DateTime tool to convert the Date of Birth field to a dd/mm/yyyy format

Step 4: join both datasets together using the 'Band' field

Step 5: added another Select tool to change some of the data field types

Step 6: Outputted the workflow as a Tableau Hyper file


I decided to create a dashboard looking at the common characteristics of boy band members. I chose to have 3 main sections to my dashboard - one looking at band members' ages and heights, one looking at common names and the other looking at common hair combinations (hair length and hair colour).

Final Dashboard

Link to dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/imogen8656/viz/Boybandsdashboard/Dashboard1