Dashboard Week Day 4 - Breaking Bad API

by Imogen Emmett

The task

Use the Breaking Bad API to obtain data for characters, episodes, quotes, and deaths from every episode of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

Alteryx Workflow

Step 1 - Text Input Tool

I began by putting a Text Input onto the Canvas for the Characters endpoint. I inserted the base URL into the cell and changed the header to 'URL'.

Step 2 - Download Tool

I added a Download tool after the Text Input tool to bring back data from a location on the internet into Alteryx. 'URL' will appear in the dropdown menu.

Step 3 - JSON Parse Tool

The API call brought back JSON data so the next step was to connect a JSON Parse tool to the Download tool. The only configuration I needed to do was to select 'DownloadData' from the dropdown menu. This created 2 new fields: JSON_Name and JSON_ValueString.

At this point, I repeated the process with the Download tool and the JSON Parse tool with the 3 other URLs for the Episodes, Quotes and Deaths endpoint.

Step 4 - Data Cleansing

  • Text to Columns - 2 columns with a . delimiter
  • Select - renamed JSON_Name as Header
  • Crosstab - used Header as Column Headers and JSON_ValueString as Values and selected Concatenate

Additional steps for Characters API:

  • Transpose - had to transpose the 'appearance' and 'occupation' fields to prevent my dataset from spreading out (an array)
  • Filter tool - connected to each Transpose tool to filter out the empty fields
  • Union tool - unioned the filtered data together
  • Unique tool - the only configuration I had to do here was select 'CharacterID' to obtain the unique rows of data

Step 5 - Output Tool

Outputted the 4 workflows as a Tableau Hyper file.


The next step I took was to sketch my dashboard design in Excalidraw:

Final Dashboard

My final dashboard ended up looking like this:

Link to dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/imogen8656/viz/BreakingBadAPIDashboard/Dashboard1