When you are making a table on Power BI Desktop with multiple fields in your rows, you can use the +/- icons to show/hide data from view. However, these icons might not appear on your table automatically.
Instead of hunting your way through the many dropdowns in Power BI's visualisation panel, this blog will show you where to find the switch to add or remove the +/- icons from your table.
So, if your table is looking like this example below:

But want your table to have the +/- icons like this:

Firstly, you need to click on your table, go to your visualisation panel and click the 'Format your Visual' option (the highlighted icon of a bar graph with a paint brush).
Then, click the visual tab, highlighted below:

In the panel, you should see an option for 'Row headers'.
In the 'Row headers' dropdown, you can find the +/- icons with an on and off switch which will add or remove your icons on your table (see below).