This week we jumped straight into learning Alteryx, Tableau Prep and finished the week off with our first Friday challenge.
It felt overwhelming at first, but I quickly realised how vast the support system is within The Data School, and how easy it is to ask for help
As the week went on I realised I had a lot of unorganised saved workflows (Alteryx and Tableau) within my G Drive and within them no annotation to explain each step.
Lessons I've Learnt This Week:
- Annotate everything in your workflows as you work
Though Lorna did warn us to annotate each step in our workflows I got carried away jumping to the next exercise, without annotating any steps in my workflow. This meant consolidating my notes at the end of the day took a lot longer than expected. Moreover, it made it harder to refer back to a workflow for help on a future exercise task. - Organising G Drive
As I was about to organise my G drive with different workflows from Day 2 & 3, I ran into Marius who advised me to organise my G Drive title of the class and by week, he also advised me to include a text file within each week highlighting what I learnt, so I can easily refer back to my notes for future use. - Condensing Information Into One Place
For the final 30mins of the working day I like to consolidate my notes and go over topics, I found tricky, for example, Joins was giving me a bit of trouble. I found a blog called "How To Join… Datasets Together" from Preppin' Data. I printed the blog onto OneNote where I could make further notes and include annotations.
As each day went by a new topic would be added to the list. I can also create a new tab for each class session within OneNote to easily track what I learned that particular week.
I've realised the importance of remaining proactive and organised with my learning to; quickly refer back to my notes for help on future tasks and identify any weak areas or topics and ask for help if I'm struggling.