This week we were asked to do makeoverMonday challenge with specific objectives. Which are:
· Take a look at the original viz and document what is good and what can be improved. Blog about it.
· Then sketch your ideas for what would be a better viz for the data
· Finally, replicate that within Tableau.
I decided to choose this dataset original viz looked like this:
To come to my first task: What is working/looking good for this viz.
· Three regions (Asia and Oceania/Americas/Europe) are evidently separated by group of bar charts
· We can see how imports of cocoa bean significantly high for Europe region compare to others
What can be improved about this viz:
· Use of colours are very bright and sharp; it can be toned down
· Year separation by colours is confusing and hard to distinguish each bar
· Numeric format of imports in tonnes is tricky to read.
Here are my ideas to recreate the viz.
I decided to go with Area chart to give complete view that which region is biggest importer of the world. Also, I tried to breakdown the data and included three different bar charts for each region. This Bar charts illustrates the percentage of difference between previous year import to current year. Here is my imagination into visualizations : MakeoverMonday 2020 week 52 | Tableau Public