Snowflake Task creation(Scheduler)

A task can execute a single SQL statement or a call to a stored procedure.Tasks can be combined with table streams for continuous ELT workflows to process recently changed table rows. Streams ensure exactly once semantics for new or changed data in a table. Tasks can also be used independently to generate periodic reports by inserting or merging rows into a report table or perform other periodic work.

To create a new task this is the syntax:

create or replace task <name>
WAREHOUSE = <name of warehouse>
schedule = "using cron <time> <timezone>"
as <SQL>

name: Name of the task

name of warehouse: your warehouse name

time & time zone: Specifies a cron expression and time zone for periodically running the task. Supports a subset of standard cron utility syntax.For a list of time zones, see the list of tz database time zones(in Wikipedia).The cron expression consists of the following fields:

SQL : your query(code) to schedule

For example,

create or replace task Task_Cost
schedule = "using cron 00 14 * * * GMT"
create or replace view "DS28_Project_Cost" as
select *, datediff(hour,"START_TIME","END_TIME") as "Hour" from snowflake.account_usage.metering_history

Resume/Pause the task:

When the task is created, it is in suspension mode therefore we have to resume the task. To resume it,

Alter Task <name> RESUME/SUSPEMD

Delete the task:

When you are done with the task: you can drop your task:

drop TASK <name> ;

Its very easy to create task in snowflake, If you want to take deep dive into it please read the this documentation:

Tulsi Majithia
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