For day 5 of Dashboard week the task was to create a dashboard with the data DSNY 5 was given for their final application.
The data was New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
School Cafeteria Violations
This was the plan for the day however the rain in NYC had other plans.
Was raining very hard as I left for work in the morning leading to a lot of wet clothes, flooding, and leaking.
After being at work working on this project from 9-12 the potential for trains to not be running later in the day was brought up as some stations had started to flood so I made my way home. I also started to have a runny nose at this point. Maybe due to my legs and feet being soaked?
I arrived home to some flooding in my basement and some leaking from my ceiling to deal with. The running of my nose also continued through this time and had started to affect my throat so it became harder to get much done.
So I did not make a dashboard for this final day of dashboard week.(Yet may pick up next week while waiting for some contractual things to be finished with my placement.)
However I do want to share the direction I planned to go in.
Here are some of my initial thoughts.
A distribution of the violation levels overall.
(Planned to break down/filter by borough as well.
The number of schools in each borough, bar in bar of violations to inspections and the % of violations to inspections.
Same information as above but just for schools. Filter by district/zip?
Table with the information from above for me to check things are accurate
Where I got with a histogram of those percentages. Have to fix the calculation since right now needs school name and record Id on detail.
General focus was meant to be what % of a borough/district/zip code/schools inspections have violations associated with them. Then look into if after receiving a violation in an area if a school gets the same type of violation later how long that time period is between the same violations.
Was not feeling great today but had fun this dashboard week and these past 4 months with DSNY4, our coaches, and all of DSNY!