What is an Analytical App

An analytic application (app) is a workflow with interactive elements that allow a user to use/run the workflow without knowing or using the underlying structure. In short, an analytical application is simply a workflow that requires user input. This blog will look at what an analytical app is, why they are beneficial, what makes an app an app and finally some tips.

(Below we will recreate but in another blog).

This is what the work flow looks like in Alteryx:

This is what it looks like when you press magic wand or just double click it rather then dragging into Alteryx:

Magic Wand

So why are Analytical apps beneficial?

They are beneficial for multiple reasons:

1. Automate an analytics process for many users

2. Provide options for custom analyses

3. Share your process for others to consume

What makes an app an app?

First thing is that it has the file type 'yxwz'. (easy way to remember this is magic wand = wizard, abbreviation of wizard might be wz). Secondly it has a user interface and finally a user can execute a workflow using their own Parameters without building anything.


When it comes to creating Analytical apps there are a couple rules that need to be followed. First make sure the workflow is working before adding the interface tools. The reason for this is if it doesn't already work, interface tools do not help anything, in fact they are likely to have their own problems and therefore is easier to look at after everything else runs smoothly. Next you should always check after you add each interface tool that it works. If you don't check frequently it makes it difficult to work out which interface tool is not working. You can check this by the magic wand in the top right hand corner. Finally it is always useful to plan your points of user interaction.

Tara Robinson
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