I never thought that I would actually end up having fun with something Elon Musk does on Twitter. But today we got to analyze his tweets over the last 12 years.
The data we received can be downloaded from Kaggle if you want to have a go yourself. I wasn’t expecting to much interesting content from the actual words he tweeted… because I find sentiment analysis quite difficult for a one day task, of course. So I decided to focus on quantitative metrics: the count of likes, retweets and replies he received on his tweets. I did some inspirational research on Tableau Public and stumbled across different radial charts and decided I wanted to do one of these. A radial line chart seemed to be manageable for my time and skills and I found a good video explaining how to do it. I might even post another blogpost about it in the nearer future – we’ll see.
So I ended up creating three radial line charts, one for each Twitter metric and created a parameter which allows the users to switch between the three charts. I also added three matching icons to my dashboard so that you now can click on the heart and then see the likes of the selected year.
Additionally I played around with the Pages function which we usually don’t use that much but is quite fun when looking at time series data. Now you can see the development of the reactions to Musk’s tweets over the years. If that doesn’t add value to your life, I can’t help you!
I wanted to add another visualization to my dashboard as I only had one yesterday and we all know how much people love to see quantitative improvement. So I made a small line/bubble chart that allows you to get a detailed view of a selected month or longer period in regard to the metric chosen from the icons.
All in all, I’m very happy with my work and wasn’t too stressed out either, just the right amount of work for the time given. You can see the final result here. I’m pretty sure I generated 99% of the views myself as I was struggling a bit with Tableau Public’s automatic changes to the formatting.