Friday marked the last day of dashboard week the dataset was about the locations of the bathrooms in the city of Vancouver, there was a time limit to produce something insightful in a visualisation.
So I went with the idea of calculating the distance between Vancouver city centre and the various locations of bathrooms.
The first step I created a union.
Second type: I took was a created a calculated field for Longitude and Latitude:
So for Latitude:
IF RIGHT([Table Name], 1) =’1′ THEN 49.246292
ELSE [Latitude] END
for Longitude:
IF RIGHT([Table Name], 1) =’1′ THEN -123.116226
ELSE [Longitude] END
This gave me the coordinates for Vancouver city centre
To calculate distance I used this article: here
3959 * ACOS
SIN(RADIANS([lat])) * SIN(RADIANS(49.246292)) +
COS(RADIANS([lat])) * COS(RADIANS(49.246292)) * COS(RADIANS(-123.116226) – RADIANS([long]))
click here to view the data visualisation