With 80 questions in 2 hours, there are various ways to prepare for this exam. Lets narrow it down, shall we?
A little insight to the exam – it is an open book exam with a mixture of theoretical and practical questions. There are around 24 tools that you will tested on and that can be found on the Alteryx Prep Guide.
First things first, the exam is also very theoretical and so it’s important to know the theory behind file types, the tools and what they do and the concept of Alteryx as a whole. Therefore, I believe its of utmost importance to check out the flashcards to prepare for the theoretical questions. There are many flashcards available out there and as this is an open book exam, keeping them handy would be helpful.
Practice, practice, practice! The micro credential can give you a good indication of the type of questions that may come up during the Core Certification. The way I studied is that I did individual exercises on almost all the tools that I would be tested on and that was super helpful in understanding when and why you should use a particular tool. Moreover, Alteryx Weekly Challenges can be very helpful in the practical aspect of the exam as the questions are phrased quite similarly.
Take your time to read the question properly. I struggled with this the most as I ended up skimming through practice questions and thinking a question was looking for something when a small little detail in the sentence was about something else. It could be something as small as top sales for a day of the week rather than date. So take your time to read, and understand the question before attempting to do it.
Lastly, do not stress! This exam is mainly to give you an indication of your knowledge of the tools and Alteryx as a software. You can always retake it the week after and keep getting a better score. The exam will give you a breakdown of the different areas they tested you on, so you will know exactly which areas you need improvement on. This is nothing more than a guide to make you a better Alteryx consultant.
Goodluck, stay calm and have fun doing it!