The final day of dashboard week is finally here. It has been quite a long week and we ended it in the middle of a storm, there were floods and delays all over New York City. This meant that getting into the office took longer than normal, and we also left early to avoid leaving the office with potentially closed train lines.
Knowing all of this at the start of the day, I made sure to scope down and do what I could in the four hours I was actually able to work on the dashboard. The data today was about cafeteria violations in NYC schools. To keep it simple, I wanted to have a dashboard that would give an overview of the number of violations over time and show the specific violations that different schools had. Here's what I thought of in my initial wireframe:
I was actually able to stick to the initial plan for the most part. After building each chart needed, I added additional bits of interactivity to make the dashboard more easily useable along with a table that shows the data in a more granular level.
In the dashboard, we can click on the points in the cards at the top to choose what year and type of violation we are interested in. Then, we can go to the map and find the school that we are interested in to filter the bar chart and table. It filters to the district that the school is in, while highlighting the specific school chosen. Now you can see what violations the schools near you have.