While building interactive dashboards, we sometimes want to be able to use several filters and then allow the user to reset the dashboard to its original quickly. To do this we can use a 'button' that resets all of the parameters we use for filters. This button needs to be a sheet on our dashboard with dashboard actions to update the parameters. Here's how I did it for my survey dashboard:
It has 'All' and a zero in its details and I used those fields to update the parameters that I wanted to clear.
In the picture above, the darker bars are the ones that were selected to filter with dashboard actions. However, to be able to select multiple bars across different charts, we need to make sure the parameter does not reset after clicking off of one bar. This means that we need a different way for the user to reset the parameters and it makes a button necessary. We can see the sheet I created previously on the top right where it says clear filters.
Now by clicking on that button, it clears the selections and resets the dashboard.