The Alteryx weekly challenges are a great way to learn more about using Alteryx. Currently, there are 381 of them with varying difficulties. This week I decided to complete the 8th weekly challenge. For this one, we are given a dataset of sales for a restaurant from June to December of 2013 and a lookup table for what each menu item would categorize as.
Orders table that has the contents of each order on a separate row:
Lookup table:
To decide on whether a "meal deal" is worth it they want to see how it would potentially impact orders by looking at the past orders that would count as a meal. A "meal deal" would be an order with a pizza/burger, a side, and a drink. To do this analysis we want to look at orders from July onwards.
Here is the Alteryx workflow I created to answer this question:
We first had to input the data and filter to have the correct date ranges and then join the lookup table to the sales table so we know the contents of each order. Then I grouped each order together by using TicketID so we can look at the contents of each total order. If they had the correct contents they would count as a meal deal so I filtered the others to be able to count the potential meal deals. I also counted the total number of orders separately and joined those two together to have them on the same table. Using the total number of orders and the number of meal deals I calculated the percentage of orders that could have been a meal.
This challenge seemed quite simple but it took me quite a few tools Hopefully in the future I can figure out ways to complete this using fewer tools.