Hi everyone, I’m Ryan and just joined the Data School as part of the DS16 cohort. It’s looking like it’ll be quite exciting but also daunting in fairly equal measure, so I’ve put together a short list of some of my expectations for my time here.
1) Up to this point most of my focus has been on the visualisation side of things so learning Ateryx and Tableau prep is something I’m genuinely curious about. It’s nice to feel out of your comfort zone every once in a while.
2) As well analysis, I’d like to get better at presenting my work, and sparking curiosity in others through what I’ve made.
3) Challenge my perceptions of what is a achievable through the medium of visualisation, I’d like to build a network and explore what’s happening in the community to get a sense of what’s happening in the field other than just creating dashboards.
4) Create a viz that gets friends/family as excited as visualisation as I am.
5) If there’s any time left over then world domination would be nice as well.