Our challenge today was to web scrape the Parliamentary rules going all the way back to 1811 using Alteryx and then produce a visualisation based on the data.
My workflow:
The general gist of my workflow this week was to visit the URL for the parliamentary rules website, and retrieve the URL for each year, linking to the page containing all the corresponding rules. Once I had a list of these I used a formula to complete the URL and then fed this into a another download to to get the data from every page.
The next step was lots of parsing ab RegEx to get the data into a tabular format ready for visualising.
My Dashboard:
My dashboard didn’t really have a particular area of investigation so it was quite exploratory. I created bins for the years and then made buttons on these so that my main bar chart could be filtered. I also used a heatmap to try and show where the majority of the rules were being introduced. Here is the finished result below.