For day 5 of dashboard we had only 3 hours so we were given a pretty straight forward task with a lot of creative freedom. We were given data for Boy Bands and their members over the last 40 years with details such as their chart positions, clothing styles and physical dimensions.
As a long time musician I'm aware that the image of an artist is just as, if not more important than the actual quality of the music they are producing. Because of this I thought it would be fun to see if I could use the data to draw some conclusion about what you need in terms of image to become a successful boyband.
The data didn't require much manipulation apart from some grouping in the facial hair column because there were so many variations of facial hair.
Below is the final dashboard that I came up with, it's quite light hearted compared to what I normally make and I thought I'd have a go at making something with dark theme because I rarely get the opportunity.
Full dashboard here:
This concludes my Dashboard week with DS38, Check out my other blogs to see what I was doing from days 1-3 and I hope you've enjoyed the blogs!