Today we were tasked with creating a dashboard providing insights into the Federal Government Permitting Dashboard. The challenge was to focus on analysis rather than design.
After some background reading I explored the data within Alteryx to figure out the relationship between the fields. Using this page to understand the different fields, I decided to attempt to investigate delays with regards to both the projects and the milestones/actions contained within them. To do this I had to calculate some new fields in Alteryx:
What the blurry flow above is doing is calculating new fields to determine the start dates for projects and actions as they were not given in the data set. After doing so I realised I could not use project start dates and therefore project delays due to the sheer amount of null data, a similar problem occurred with actions. Fortunately I could use milestone start dates and therefore delays.
Using my new data set I jumped into tableau to visualise my findings, additionally I added a new projects over time which was also derived from my calculations. I accompanied these insights with other such as total projects and Avg. cost of projects, each broken down by state. In hindsight I believe splitting these measures by agency would be more appropriate. The first day of dashboard week was definitely a wake up call for what's to come as going from scratch to a finished product in one day was quite a challenge, however I do feel more prepared for tomorrow. My final dashboard can be found here on my Tableau Public.