Today's Makeover Monday task involves using a dataset which is based on Doug Demuro rating different cars in various categories such as; acceleration, value, comfort, etc. He collates all these factors into what he calls the Doug Score! Looking at the original visualization, the field labels are quite clear. However, it is a lot to take on at first glance. The overuse of colors makes things very confusing and using green and red together decreases accessibility for color blindness. There is also no way to compare values as there is no clear way to visualize them.
So to tackle all of this - I narrowed my viz down to two bar charts which, only focused on the acceleration of the cars as this focuses on the audience who are only interested in the acceleration of a car. Acceleration is scored from 1 to 10 based on 0 to 60 Mph in a certain time frame. For example, 0 to 60 Mph in 7.1 seconds and above is scored as 1 point and 0 to 60 Mph in under 3.0 seconds is scored as 10 points. The first bar chart displayed the top twenty makes with the highest average acceleration score and I included a color highlight feature. My second bar chart focuses the acceleration of each model filtered out by the different makes (with the option to change the filters). I also narrowed down the color options to red for make and blue for model as too much color can be too distracting on the key insights.
Improvements can be made on my viz such as; correct chart titles and maybe change the bar chart to a different for variety (even though variety without purpose can be considered as clutter). More information can be provided through text on how to interact with the viz and explain the acceleration score more clearly. Overall, not bad for my second Makeover Monday - it took me a while to understand the data as, I know nothing about cars!