This week I took on the challenge of being the project manager for DS29. I enjoy being in charge so I was excited for this role and how it would turn out.
Some of the things I was in charge of that I never had to worry about before included: Greeting the Client, Regular contact/calls with the client, Allocating tasks in the team, Organising dashboard templates, Organising necessary folders for my team and much more.
The first day was very laid back and I didn't encounter many issues, it wasn't until dashboards were coming together when I realised formatting, filters and designs of the dashboards were completely different between the team. I had the responsibility of deciding which filters we needed to use and how to use them. Also deciding colour legends is difficult when the company colour-codes are limited. With better communication and deliberating with the team, I was able to come to a decision with my teams help on how all the dashboards would look.
I can say that at the start of the week I did not think that design and formatting would be so challenging, it isn't until individual dashboards come together that you realise.
My advice as a Project Manager would be to regularly have a group catch up regarding filters and dashboard designs if it is necessary to have consistent dashboards. Also, do take all of your teams suggesting into account and come to a consensus of what everyone feels is best. This way everyone can agree and have a say.