The first week definitely takes some adjusting to, but I can confirm the TIL environment and support made it so much easier. Entering The Data School and being the youngest in the workplace seemed to heighten my imposter syndrome. Thinking I wasn't experienced enough had me walking on eggshells when it came to trying something new. However, the team and other DS cohorts reiterate that no question is a silly question and everyone goes at their own pace. I made a few mistakes the first week but was always encouraged to learn from them.
Monday: This day started and ended with so much information. We received the necessary gadgets and met everyone in the team. Even other cohorts introduced themselves and let us know they felt the exact same way we did when they first started.
Tuesday: We had our first official day of The Data School and was introduced to Alteryx. I had never seen this software before, I only ever heard of it so I had no idea what to expect. Seeing all the data, numbers and tools made me realise I would actually need to get into thinking mode (keep in mind I hadn't had to used my brain for 7 months prior). It was hard to focus but I always learn better by doing things myself so the interactive teaching really helped.
Wednesday: I started my first Alteryx challenge! Sadly I did not get to finish it but definitely plan to, but here's a slightly messy visual of what I achieved. I was told the solution can be reached in 4 steps, I have 8... but we all start somewhere right :)
Thursday: This was the day I learnt that Tableau Prep was much easier to use than Alteryx (sorry Alteryx lovers). Carl also introduced us to his 'Preppin Data' website which makes planning your data and transformations much easier.
Friday: This was the day I was most nervous for. We had our first project where we had to incorporate all the things we learnt over the week on Alteryx and Tableau Prep. It wasn't so much the preparation I was nervous for, it was the potential mistakes people would find once I presented. Presenting wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I expect it will get better with time.
Overall Take Away - The week was undoubtedly very insightful. The cohorts reassured me you eventually adapt to all the information and changes. We saw the previous cohort's (DS28) client presentation which was really impressive, they said they felt the same way about DS27. It's funny how we are thinking the previous cohort is so extraordinary while they think their previous cohort is so much better, its a never ending cycle! The point is we are always improving and growing within The Data School and I look forward to it!