One month into training, and as a cohort we have definitely settled into the office culture at TIL. Here is a fun blog, documenting what we have been playing in the office as a cohort. Keep reading for the tier list!
First Place:
Coming in hot for first place is Klask! This is actually a game I have not heard of before TIL. It is a fast-paced tabletop board game for 1 on 1 matches. Both players have a large magnet under the board which moves their playing piece, this is used to score the ball into the other player's goal. I put this first as it's a game we all are obsessed with, and consistently try to one-up each other on. Moreover, the simplicity and chaos of the game make it perfect for anyone to get involved with.
Second Place:
Table Tennis
The iconic TIL Table Tennis has people queuing every lunch and post-work hours. I'd say this is the coolest and most popular office game by far, but I've put it in second place as not all of us in the cohort play it as often.
Third Place:
A very random one we have gotten into lately, as there are two boards we sometimes have two matches going on at once! We love a bit of strategy and high IQ plays on our breaks.
Special Mention:
We only played this once with the others in the office, but it deserves an honourable mention as DS41 won the game (thanks Jules!). Spoons is a multiplayer card game, where you pass cards around until someone makes a set of four when this happens they can grab a spoon from the middle. At this point it's a free for all grab for the spoons, the person without is out of the game. This narrows down until the last round with 2 people and 1 spoon.