Dashboard week Day 1

This week is dashboard week and todays task was to create a dashboard that analysis the data from the government website on prices of items.

The data contains the prices of each product along with the percentage change of those products. the task was to analyse this data by enriching it with any data that we wanted.
I chose to use salary data and look into how much of the median salary was taken up by food and other expenses.

The data needed to be prepped so I pivoted all the data and joined all sheets together to create 1 singular data source to use.

After that I took data from other websites that i had used and combined it so that i have salary and Rent in the same data - source.
I then planned and created my dashboard and uploaded it to tableau public
Find it here https://public.tableau.com/views/Whereismyfoodbudget/Dashboard2?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

Myles Stevenson
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