What are sets? Sets are custom subsets of data based on conditional logic. They can aid your analyses by filtering data, highlighting specific fields and grouping data.
There are three main types of sets:
1. Constant Sets
These are sets that contain manually selected fields and do not change.
You create these types of sets through manually selecting what you want to within a field, right clicking, then selecting create set:

2. Computed Sets
These are sets that dynamically update based on specific conditions. There are three types of computed sets; general, condition and top.
To create these sets you click on the drop down menu of the field you want to create a set from, select create a set and this menu will appear:

To create a general computed set, select the items from the list and press ok.
To create a condition computed set, select the condition card and either create a set by field or by formula. For example if we wanted to create a set that included ingredients that cost over 80p:

We can then add this set to colour to highlight our set in the data:

To create top computed sets select the top card and either create a set by field or by formula. For example if we wanted to create a set that included the top 10 ingredients that cost over 80p:

3. Combined Sets
These are sets that are made up of two different sets.
To create a combined set, click the drop down menu on a set and select create combined set. This pane will appear:

In this pane you can select the two sets you want to combine and how you want the set to be defined.
In this example I want to create a combined set using meals under £3 and meals with the least ingredients:

And that’s set for now!