Short Guide to Tableau's "Data + Movie"

Step 1: Download the Starter Kit

Begin by downloading the Starter Kit, which is a packaged workbook containing a basic exploratory dashboard. This will give you an initial understanding of the data and how it can be visualized.

Step 2: Export the data from the Packaged Workbook

Next, extract the dataset provided for the challenge. This dataset consists of more than 40+ fields and over 5 million rows. For short term projects it is recommended to scope the area of interest to specific part of the data. Trimming down the selection will also greatly improve the performance of your Workbook.

Step 3: Open a data preparation tool

This can be for example Tableau Prep Builder or Alteryx Designer.

Step 4: Preview the data

Upon opening the dataset in Tableau Prep/Alteryx Designer, add a Preview step/Browse Tool to inspect the data. This will allow you to view the contents of the dataset and better understand its structure.

Step 5: Write Down the Question You'd Like to Answer

Before proceeding further, articulate the question or questions you aim to answer with the data.. This will guide your analysis and dashboard creation process.

Step 6: Select an Area of Interest/Scope the Project

As mentioned before, given that the dataset is extensive, it's essential to narrow down your focus for the project if You don't plan to work on it for more than two days. Consider selecting specific fields, filtering rows based on particular values (such as one country), or aggregating the data to a lower level of detail to make the analysis more manageable.

Step 7: Sketch Your Dashboard

Visualize the layout of your dashboard by sketching out the various visualizations you'll need to answer your questions effectively. Consider the types of charts, graphs, and other visuals that will best represent the insights from the data.

Step 8: Conduct Data Preparation

Now, conduct data preparation tasks based on your scoped project and the questions you've identified. This may involve cleaning the data, transforming it, aggregating it, or joining it with other datasets to enrich your analysis.

Step 9: Connect Your Dataset to Tableau Desktop

Once you've completed the necessary data preparation in, it's time to connect your cleaned and prepared dataset to Tableau Desktop. Import your dataset into Tableau Desktop to begin building your dashboard.

Step 10: Build Your Dashboard

With your dataset connected to Tableau Desktop, start building your dashboard based on the sketches you created earlier. Drag and drop the relevant fields from your dataset onto the canvas to create visualizations such as bar charts, line graphs, scatter plots, and more. Customize the appearance of your visualizations, add filters, and create interactivity to make your dashboard engaging and informative. Continuously iterate and refine your dashboard until you're satisfied with the insights it provides.

Michał Mioduchowski
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