Dashboard Week Day 5 - New York Cafeteria Inspections (2020-2023)

On the last day of Dashboard Week, we were given the task of creating a Tableau Dashboard using inspection data from NYC Open Data for cafeterias permitted in public, private, and parochial schools in NYC.

Overview of the Dataset from NYC Open Data: (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Health/DOHMH-School-Cafeteria-inspections-2020-Present-/5ery-qagt  ):

The dataset was broken down as follows:

Data Extraction and Cleaning:


Design and Wireframing:

I began the design process by creating a wireframe to get my ideas onto the screen before diving into Tableau Desktop. My initial idea for a design was to focus on the distribution of inspection violations across the five boroughs in New York.

A screenshot of my wireframe can be seen below:

Dashboard Creation

Leveraging the wireframe as a guide, I crafted the final dashboard using Tableau Desktop. My focus for the Dashboard had been cemented from the wireframe.

You can see the dashboard on Tableau Public here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/mbellamybb/viz/NewYorkSchoolCafeteriaInspections2020to2023/Dashboard1?publish=yes

Michael Bellamy
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