Data School Blog Roundup - May 2024

Compiled by Rusha Limba, Intern


  1. Butterfly Charts in Tableau by Dominik Wieser.
  2. Can I Change Colors by Selection in Tableau? by Sayd Abdul Tawab Hussainy.
  3. Two types of Dashboards by Aileen Pfleiderer.
  4. Profit Ratio: Why Is It Important And How To Calculate It Correctly In Tableau? by Bruno Gasparotto Ponne.
  5. How to Highlight a Bar when Selecting by Calvin Gao.
  6. Erweiterung der Funktionalität mit Parametern by Dominik Wieser.
  7. Creating a Global Reset Button in Tableau by Salome Grasland.
  8. How to add a fixed reference line in Tableau? by Sayd Abdul Tawab Hussainy.
  9. Storytelling with Tableau Storyboard by Yan Peng.
  10. Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement: Die Kunst der Planung by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  11. The Three Levels Of Details In Tableau by Bruno Gasparotto Ponne.
  12. Was sind LODs und Ihre Vorteile by Dominik Wieser.
  13. Understanding Fixed LODs (1) by Aileen Pfleiderer.
  14. Die Macht der Berechnungen: Erstellung von "Calculated Fields" in Tableau by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  15. The superpowers of Preattentive Features by Leonardo Ceballos.
  16. The secret behind this river timeline I created for tableau public (easy way to make curved timeline) by  Eugenia Losada Gamst.
  17. What Is Drill Down And Why It Is Important to Your Client? by Bruno Gasparotto Ponne.
  18. Zwischen den Jahren: Jahresvergleiche in Tableau by Dominik Wieser.
  19. Internal Project | London Fire Brigade by Sayd Abdul Tawab Hussainy.
  20. How to Make a Dashboard Accessible for Screen Readers | Dashboard Week Day 1 by Jeffrey Brian Thompson.
  21. Internes Projekt | Fire Rescue by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  22. Project Fire & Rescue 🔥☎️🚒💨 by Leonardo Ceballos.
  23. Inclusive Dashboards: Small changes, Big impact. by Justinas Aleksiejus.
  24. Accessibility: Navigating a Dashboard Using Keyboard Only on the Server by Jessica Robbin.
  25. DS44 Dashboard Week Day 1: Accessibility by Alex McManus.
  26. Dashboard Week - Day 1 - Accessibility by Alvaro Gonzalez.
  27. Accessible Dashboards in Tableau: Dashboard Week Day 1 by Anne Porcia Affi-Asamani.
  28. Accessibility & Font Choice - Dashboard Week Day 1 by Alex Bernaciak.
  29. LEGO Dashboard - Dashboard Week Day 2 by Alex Bernaciak.
  30. DS44 Dashboard Week Day 3&4 by Ruth Amarteifio.
  31. DS44 Go To The Movies: Dashboard Week Finale by Alex McManus.


  1. Generating Dates with the Multi-Row Formula Tool by Salome Grasland.
  2. Catalyzing Business Insights | Leveraging Alteryx Cloud's Machine Learning by Calvin Gao.
  3. Noisy Environment by Aileen Pfleiderer.

Tableau Prep

  1. A Use Case for Generating New Rows in Tableau Prep by Yan Peng.


  1. Paper to Pixel by Aileen Pfleiderer.

Power BI

  1. Wort Analyze in Power BI by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  2. Embrace Every Tool: A Lesson from Power BI by Leonardo Ceballos.
  3. when Tableau meets Power BI by Aileen Pfleiderer.
  4. Calculating Engagement Rate by Aileen Pfleiderer.
  5. To The Point: How to Copy and Paste Applied Steps in Power Query by Jeffrey Brian Thompson.
  6. To The Point: Model View Relationships with Multiple Join Conditions in Power BI by Jeffrey Brian Thompson.
  7. To The Point: Understand the CALCULATE DAX Function in terms of Aggregation/Grouping in Power BI by Jeffrey Brian Thompson.
  8. Internal Project | Chin & Beard Suds Co by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  9. How to Build a Bar Chart with Gantt-Like Lines in Power BI by Salome Grasland.
  10. Dashboard Day 2: Lego Data by Jessica Robbin.
  11. Dashboard Week - Day 2 - Lego by Alvaro Gonzalez.
  12. Lego Dashboard in PowerBI: Dashboard Week Day 2 by Anne Porcia Affi-Asamani.
  13. SQL Data Preparation and Power BI | Dashboard Week Day 2 by Jeffrey Brian Thompson.
  14. Dashboard Week Day 2 - SQL, Power BI by Justinas Aleksiejus.
  15. Dashboard Week Day 2 - Using Snowflake, SQL and PowerBI to Analyze Lego Data! by Alex McManus.


  1. Data School Blog Roundup - April 2024 by Mel Niere.
  2. What did it take to get into DSNY8? By Mel Niere.
  3. Using Google API To Get A Google Drive Directory by Salome Grasland.
  4. Die Macht der Vorhersage: Wie Predictive Analytics die Welt der Geschäftsanalyse transformiert by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  5. Welches Ich bin ich? Kind? Erwachsener oder doch Eltern-Ich? by Dominik Wieser.
  6. How to Become a Better Learner by Yan Peng.
  7. Top 7 Lessons From Our Internal Projects by Bruno Gasparotto Ponne.
  8. The Jungle of Tools by Aileen Pfleiderer.
  9. DS44 Dashboard Week: Day 2 by Ruth Amarteifio.
Mel Niere
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