Data School Blog Roundup - April 2024

Check out what our Data School consultants have written about!

Compiled by Rusha Limbu, DSNY Intern


  1. How Much Liquor do Iowans Drink? By Salome Grasland.
  2. Liquor Sales in Iowa by Daniel Bostrom.
  3. Dashboard Week Day 5 - Iowa Liquor Sales by Cecily Santiago.
  4. Dashboard Week Day 5 by Lorraine Ferrusi.
  5. Dashboard Week Day 5 Iowa Liquor Sales 2017 to 2019 by Calvin Gao.
  6. Dashboard Week Day 5 - Iowa Liquor Sales by Luke Bennett.
  7. Dashboard Week - Day 5 - Iowa Liquor Sales by Alan Grunberg.
  8. How do I dynamically switch elements on a Tableau dashboard? Dynamic Zone Visibility (DZV) How-To by Cecily Santiago.
  9. How do I add DONUT CHARTS over a FILLED MAP in Tableau? by  Cecily Santiago.
  10. How-To: Remove Unwanted Highlighting on BANs, KPI Cards & Text Sheets in Tableau by Cecily Santiago.
  11. Building a Hex Map by Samantha Fitzsimmons.
  12. Quick Tip: clustered bar charts with Measure Values by Caitlin Walsh.
  13. Run R Script in Tableau - Part 2 by Le Luu.
  14. Simple Gauge Chart by Salome Grasland.
  15. How-To: Automatically Deselect Marks in Tableau by Cecily Santiago.
  16. How to Customize Table Headers in Tableau Without Changing Field Names by Alex McManus.
  17. Exploring Art With Tableau: The Dataset I Used In My Application For The Data School by Bruno Gasparotto Ponne.
  18. Can you Make Art in Tableau? by Luke Bennett.
  19. Dynamic Up Down Arrows and Indicators by Calvin Gao.
  20. My Data Analytics Journey by Sayd Abdul Tawab Hussainy.
  21. Bücher und Daten: Mit Tableau zur Dendrogramm-Visualisierung by Dominik Wieser.
  22. Exporting Yearly Variance Data to Excel with Tableau Crosstabs by Salome Grasland.
  23. How-To: Set Up a Trellis Chart in Tableau by Cecily Santiago.
  24. How-To: Build a Trellis of Bar Charts in Tableau by Cecily Santiago.
  25. How-To: Build a Trellis of Donut Charts in Tableau by Cecily Santiago.
  26. How-To: Build a Trellis of Line Charts in Tableau by Cecily Santiago.
  27. How to make Drill Down Bar Charts in Tableau (One Level) by Calvin Gao.

Tableau Prep

  1. Managing Messy Strings With Prep by Salome Grasland.
  2. Deep Dive for Customizing Admin Insights Data Using Tableau Prep by Juliet Craig.

Tableau Server

  1. Creating Personal Access Tokens in Tableau Server/Cloud by Erlina Cahyadi.


  1. Importing Multiple Files Into Alteryx Without Wildcard by Salome Grasland.
  2. Workflow Optimization in Alteryx by Daniel Bostrom.
  3. Formatting Dates in Alteryx by Alex Bernaciak.


  1. Creativity and Collaboration made easy (not only) in Data Analytics by Leonardo Ceballos.


  1. Fitness Tracker App Dashboard by Carol Mhlanga.
  2. Normalisierung absoluter Zahlen by Yan Peng.
  3. Power BI / Query Week by Sayd Abdul Tawab Hussainy.


  1. How to Create a Schema on SQL by Saampave Sanmuhanathan.


  1. Extracting Text from PDFs with Python by Salome Grasland.
  2. Using Python and RegEx to Parse ISBNs from Text by Salome Grasland.
  3. Using the ISBNdb API with Python by Salome Grasland.


  1. What did it take to get into DSDE7? by Peter Gamble-Beresford.
  2. Numbers Are Not Just Numbers by Yan Peng.
  3. My journey to The Data School; From Kabul's Chaos to Data's Order by Sayd Abdul Tawab Hussainy.
  4. How to speak so that people want to listen by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  5. PEN-ic Notes by Aileen Pfleiderer.
  6. How to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam in 2 weeks by Flavio Matos.
  7. The Monkey in Your Head by Rui Pedro Fernandes Ramos.
  8. Simon Sinek's Golden Circle: The Information Lab by Jeffrey Brian Thompson.
  9. Auf Deutsch Gesagt! Analyzing Data In German by Bruno Gasparotto Ponne.
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