Yesterday DS34 web scrape the NRL Match Centre for all the games from 2017 through to 2022. Due to the shorter time from of Friday’s today’s task is to create a dashboard or two. They will have two other datasources: UK Super League 2017-2022 & Rugby League World Cup 2021 (RLWC). As part of this Challenge I am setting some questions for the team to choose to answer. No one person should focus on the same area, there may be some overlap but not totally:
- How does the NRL & Super League Compare
a. Which players / teams have similar stats?
b. How have the teams winning / losing points margin changed over the years
c. Some teams play better in the first half compared to the second half and vice versa
i. If a game was only 40 minutes, which team would come out on top based on points margin?
ii. Which team has a better average points margin for 1st vs 2nd half of games? and has that changed over time?
d. Has the average number of metres and tackles per game per team been influenced by rule changes?
e. Create a rating system where we can find out the BEST player in the two competitions?
i. Which player has the largest improvements from one season to another?
f. Is there a difference in Stats Pre-Covid vs Post Covid (2019 vs 2022) - How do the teams within the World Cup compare to each other?
a. Which team had the highest stats across the tournament?
b. Which player is top?
c. What does a player profile look like? - Of the Mens RLWC, how does each player compare to their respective national tournament?
a. For example, how does George Williams Stats compare to his time in the NRL, Super League and the games played in the RLWC? - Penalties & Set Restarts
a. Which team gives away the most penalties and set restarts?
b. Does the referee favour the home or away team?
c. Is is the winning or losing team that gives away the most penalties or set restarts?
d. NRL only - are teams more likely to give away penalties or set restarts when they are losing?
Some inspiration for content here. Please reference if you use anything from that website.
- You must work independently of each other
- Data Prep is allowed if you need it.
- Create a dashboard and publish it to Tableau Public by presentation time (3:30pm).
- Write a blog
- Please make sure you reference the dataset correctly!