Time flies, the first week is done now.
It has been a stressful and fulfilled five days. For the past week, we mainly focused on Alteryx and Tableau prep. Today we had our first week project.
In the morning, our coach Robbin sent us a link with project description then everyone started to work on the project. Robbin asked us to get complement data for our original application dataset and do some data prep by using either Tableau prep or Alteryx.
According to the description, I needed to do time plan. I wanted to use Ghatt chart but I was worried that I might not have enough time to do other stuff, so I just went for Google sheet.
Next, I decided how I am going to prepare for the two data sets:
Step 1: Download the data of Vauxhall used cars as the complement dataset for my original Toyota dataset.
Step 2: Import two of those datasets into Alteryx.
Step 3: Clean the datasets and combine them into one table.
Step 4: Export the final dataset and save to Google drive.
Step 5: Import the combined dataset to Tableau and do some analysis if I have time.
Step 6: Make a ppt to present my work.
After I obtained the data I wanted, then I imported them into Alteryx, now I am gonna show the Alteryx workflow I created.
In the end, I made a Power point for my presentation:
I did pretty much what I expected to be however, I didn't use Tableau to create a new sheet. By then, it was lunch time plus Robbin wanted us mainly focus on data prep, so I took this as an excuse and went for lunch.
The presentation went well and everybody did a fantastic job. Although I still have many things to learn and improve, I feel proud that I made it within the time limit:)