Greetings fellow data schooler. Welcome to the program. Perhaps you have forgotten how to file an expense report? Or maybe you're wondering where all of The Information Lab's learning resources are consolidated? Need a link to the Makeover Monday challenges? Not to worry, friend, I have compiled a list of every platform, tool and resource that's been made available to us newbies. Links are embedded in the name of each platform.
A warning: this may be an incomplete list! I'll make amendments if needed.
Our shared drive where you can publish Tableau projects. The main sites are "The Data School" and "The Information Lab". There are many unused sites such as "Powerpuff Girls."
While as of writing this post Twitter seems to be on its way out (yes I am crossing my fingers), we use it here to keep up with the world's data community at-large. Some great accounts to follow (an incomplete list):
Of course, The Data School's website, where you are now. You'll write blog posts hopefully better than this one.
When you're browsing through all these wonderful sites, by default you'll be set up with Google Chrome. Personally, I would recommend Mozilla Firefox instead as it's just as functional and easy to use while simultaneously protecting your privacy across the web. I also highly recommend pairing it with uBlock Origin to avoid distracting ads and other manipulative web elements.