For a free online exam, that you can resit as many times as you would like, the Alteryx core exam is not as easy as you would think. The questions can be tricky, understanding what the question is asking is key, as well as making sure to keep track of your time. Here are some tips on how to pass your Alteryx core exam.
- Make sure you read the question and multiple choice answers properly, and do not make assumptions. Certain questions may seem like, ‘obviously this must be true’ but make sure that if you don’t KNOW the answer, check first. Remember, the exam is open book and some questions require multiple correct answers for a single mark, so don’t lose marks over something you could check in Alteryx, or google in a few seconds.
- Speed is key. What worked for me was going through every question as quickly as possible. I googled questions I was unsure of throughout my first run, but if I couldn’t find an answer in a fast enough timeframe, I noted the question number and carried on. Once you have completed all 80 questions, before submitting your answers, go back through the questions you noted and you can spend your final minutes working through the questions you weren’t quite sure about. Hopefully then, you can look at them with a clearer mind knowing that you are happy with your other answers.
- Something that I wish I had done is, don’t panic and try to google every question you don’t know the answer to. You can also check some questions on Alteryx, and it may be quicker than googling.
I hope this helps when you come to your Alteryx core exam.