Create a grid map in Tableau

Last week project was about the US wind capacity and I decided to combine Alteryx and Tableau efforts to create a grid map in Tableau. Followed the advice from Head coach of the Data School, Andy Kriebel and got inspired by David Sanchez Martin previous projects.

Following my recent blog post about Spatial Analytics in Alteryx and Tableau I am sharing now a similar but easier approach to create Grid maps in Tableau, using Alteryx.

As in the previous blog post, where I found inspiration from Ben Davis, I looked at spatial data by combining a CSV file with a SHP file together.

Walk-through the Alteryx Workflow:

  • CSV file with Longitute and Latitude
  1. Create points tool
  2. Spatial match Configuration U, where Target intersects the Universe. Spatial object fields: Grid and Centroid. Select from the Universe: Latitude, Longitude, the selected measures and dimensions. Remember to convert into double the Lat and Long
  • SHP spatial file
  1. Summarize tool: Group by Spatial object and Spatial object combine
  2. Make grid tool of 25 miles. Keep in mind that each geographical space has a different need: for the UK I used 2 miles, for the US I am using a 25 miles grid
  3. Spatial match Configuration T: Target


Final step is to add a Summarize tool into the matches and the file is ready to be export it. Differently than the previous blog, I exported the file as a spatial file instead of using a Macro.

With the spatial file in Tableau it is much easier to work with. Instead of using the Polygon and carefully use the line marks, I have just used the Geometry field, which is a spatial object in Tableau already, with Latitude and Longitude. All the other dimensions are in details and the measures into colours: very simple viz!

Here you can find the Viz I published on Tableau public about US wind capacity .  I used dashboard actions and parameters to make the view simpler and tidier overall.


Any feedback please do not hesitate to contact me! Hope you find it useful.


Laura Scavino
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