Dashboard Week Day 4

Dashboard Week Day 4 -Andy’s Runkeeper Data

Final day! The end is in sight. Even more exciting than that, today’s topic isn’t equine deaths! Breaking with the trend of morbid topics, today we are looking at Andy’s marathon training. For those of you that don’t know, Andy Kriebel is an avid runner. He has run at least 2 marathons and is set to run the Madrid marathon this weekend.


  • Theme – What has Andy accomplished in 286 runs?
  • Data comes from Runkeeper. GPX files
  • Must use Alteryx to combine all of the files
  • Format for all of the files is identical
  • Metrics of interest: Distance, elevation, duration, speed, pace
  • Must include routes for each run
  • At any point of the run, I should be able to see my cumulative distance, cumulative elevation, cumulative duration, average speed and average pace.


This is my first time dealing with .GPX files, since this isn’t a file type that Alteryx recognises I did some Googling. Literally, my first result was this blog by JUBAIL CABALLERO with step by step instructions for almost my entire Alteryx workflow. Then I scroll down the results page a little more and I find Andy’s blog post about the Alteryx workflow he used to combine his Runkeeper files and calculate the exact metrics he specified. With the help of these two blogs, I was able to quickly create the workflow below:

alteryx workflow


I really liked the way Andy visualised the data in his Fort William Marathon Training dashboard, so my idea was to take the features of that dashboard and turn it into a mobile dashboard that you could view on your phone.

marathon training

Andy collected all this data using the Runkeeper App, so I wanted to use the colour scheme from the app on my dashboard.  Here is my version:

Day 4- Laura

Day 4 – Andy’s Runkeeper Data

Laura Peterson
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