Week 2 Friday Project: A DSDE2 & DS29 Collaboration

What’s gonna work? Zoomwork…I mean Teamwork!  I had the pleasure to virtually meet James Charnley today, the Biologist and aspiring author from DS29. We worked on the UK Covid-Deaths database, compared our Tableau work and prepared a presentation within the allotted time. We agreed to keep it simple so we can manage the time and be able to show a functioning visualization. We could then improve it when and if we have the time.

We approached the project basically by applying some of the many, many, many tips that we have learned during the week, specifically on doing initial analysis by answering WH-questions and sketching our dashboard.  These really help us focus and decide easily which charts to build.   We also applied grouping and filtering tools,  as well as some basic aggregations.  However  visualizing the Regions (geographical map) was a challenge and this was where most of the project time were spent. Fortunately, James found a solution and I hope he will make a blog about it. (Invoking James... hehe)

The calls and constant communication in between tasks were also really essential to the accomplishment of our project, in preparing our presentation and in making sure we’re on the same page.

This exercise was indeed another learning experience for me.  Although collaboration can be challenging virtually, it is doable with good communication and direction.

I have published our edited presentation in Tableau Public. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kristine.wiesner/viz/TILDataSchool-FridayProjectDEandUK/Story1

Kristine Wiesner
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