"Two individuals, about same age, with degrees, equally smart... one earns less, over qualified, have to work part time and less chances of getting promoted... because shes a woman. "
Today's dataset was about Gender Gap pay in UK taken from Gov.uk. It's surely a topic I am interested at but my day has gone crazy because of the dataset. As always, I seek help from my colleagues and my heroes today are Tram and Frederik.
I wanted to try something new, to present a story for a change. But unfortunately I didnt managed my time so well, that I spent too much time in prep and building my viz. I have prepared my english story but not ready for german delivery.
The premise of my story would have been looking at industries where most female are employed and compare the gap. Nonetheless I appreciate the feedback from the team and I also plan to finish my story. Oh my the list for future improvements is getting long. Here's my viz of the day.