On Friday we had to take our brand new Alteryx knowledge and revamp one of our old viz applications for The Data School. I decided to work on my first submission which analysed factors which influence smoking rates across different demographics. This is it here:
On reflection… it’s a little longwinded. I perhaps could have focused on one particular factor in more detail instead of many factors in less depth. Although I’m still happy with the overall look of it.
For the Alteryx project, I decided to add another new data set which analysed a different factor. I used data from Google Trends to reflect the popularity of alternatives to smoking (such as vaping and E-cigarettes) and level of motivation to quit. Here is my very simple Alteryx attempt:
And here is the new tableau I made with it:
Unsurprisingly, in recent years the popularity of vaporizers and E-cigarettes has grown. Using a heat map (thank you for the suggestion, Carl), it was interesting to see the spike in Google searches for “quit smoking” every January as a result of people’s New Year’s resolutions.
Everyone from DS9 and DS10 presented what they’d been working on that week to one another. It was a little nerve-racking at first but it was good to hear everyone’s suggestions about what they’d change/improve in my tableau. Bring on week 2!!