Thinking of applying for the data school but have never used Tableau before? Here are my tips and tricks for your initial viz!
Learning Tableau
Initially, the application process might seem daunting; learning tableau from scratch is a big commitment and sounds extremely difficult and time consuming. Luckily tableau is really easy to pick up! The data school offer a range of resources for tableau beginners, so I would suggest looking through them to gain a good foundation to the software! (Here are some great links:
Use a good data set
It would be useful to chose the topic of your dataset based on something you are interested in. This will motivate you to spend more time on your application and improve your dashboard. Try to choose a relatively simple dataset as this is your first time using tableau.
Planning your viz
It is really important to plan out what you want to create. A useful website is excalidraw ( which you can use to brainstorm and roughly design your dashboard.
It would also be helpful to look at previous successful applications to give you a rough idea of what your viz should look like ( Make sure you don't try and make your viz too complicated, for your first application less is more, especially when its your first time using tableau!