After collecting information from previous placement DSers, here are some examples for placement interview questions that often come up.
- How would you do training/enablement at the company?
- Tell me about a time you were proactive
- Tell me about a time you had to learn something from scratch/do something on your own
- Tell me a time when has your work influenced up to a senior stakeholder.
- Tell me a time when you had to change a stakeholders mind/opinion
- How would you approach resolving bugs in your Alteryx application?
- How would you visualize this data
- What would you do if a deadline was late - what's your process of going from data to dashboard
- How would you approach handing over to next data schooler? How do you currently approach projects/work in your placement?
- How do you view insights critically?
- Are you used to a Waterfall style of project management?
- Talk us through how you engage with a project from start to finish?
- Do you try and find a way of improving work you are taking over from?
- Are you used to dealing with key stakeholders in a company?
- Explain a situation in which you had a difficult stakeholder
Some examples of more technical questions:
- Show your understanding of SQL, LODs etc.
- Give a walkthrough of an Alteryx Workflow and Tableau visualizations
- Show a dashboard you have created.
- How would you visualize a given data set in a dashboard?
- How would you document your Alteryx workflow and Tableau workbook?
- Have you used Snowflake/ SQL?
- Do you have experience with LOD's. Walk us through a dashboard that you have created, how you cleansed the data and your thought process behind your analysis.
- Run through an example of an Alteryx project you've worked on? Step by Step.
- Describe a time when you used Tableau Set Actions for a client
- Approach to present visualizations to executives vs field agents.
- What is your favourite Alteryx tool? Followed up with - Give me an example of what it does / when you would use it?
- What is a context filter?
- What is your experience with Tableau / Alteryx?
- How to create graphs shown within dashboard, including LODs, percent of total as a label
- How confident are you in Tableau/Alteryx and what are your weaknesses in each?; Have you used version control in Tableau?
Make sure you give examples to these questions without being too specific about the projects as there are NDAs which mean you cant share client information with other clients.
Think about your questions carefully and god luck!