Why I Joined The Data School and Why You Should Too

by Katharine Peace

Today we (DS12) were collectively asked the question “what do you want to get out of The Data School?”. After I had fumbled my way through a dispassionate answer, we were collectively informed that we had answered the question “How..[We got to the Data School]” not “why”. It’s day two for DS12 and a key lesson has been taught: to wear your heart on your sleeve. This is not the first time we have been told this and I’m sure it won’t be the last. After all, if a company is only as good as its people then it is nothing without passion.

So, wearing my heart on my sleeve, allow me to take this opportunity to give a more honest answer:

I want to find my voice. I want to learn to take up more space not less. I want to be one of the best at what I do. I want to never stop learning and I want to never stop wanting to never stop learning. I want to be data literate and equipped with the skills necessary to communicate my ideas effectively, persuasively.

Knowledge is power. Data is EVERYWHERE and if you are data literate you don’t need to rely on anyone else to interpret it for you. Good data does not lie and if you have the ability to identify and engage with it then you have access to the truth: you can also help others see it.

This is why I joined the Data School, why I think you should too and why I’m never looking back!


Katharine Peace

Thu 28 Feb 2019

Wed 27 Feb 2019

Tue 26 Feb 2019