Today is our second day of dashboard week. Here's how it went:
I start the day with some hard data exploration. I wanted to find a better analysis than yesterday. I thought what about an analysis that would be interesting to me. I therefore decided to compare my home country of Belgium to the UK. I wanted to see how the wages were different, how they have changed and how the average wage differs from the minimum wage. This was present in the OECD data so it was perfect. I just needed two more things to elevate this analysis. First the inflation rate and second tax rates. I only found data for the first of these.
In terms of data preparation, there was a lot of extra fields which I removed. I then filtered down to only keeping UK and Belgium annual wages data. I then joined the inflation data to the average wage data by country and year followed by a second join with the minimum wage data on the same criteria. Next up I create fields for the real average wage including inflation and differences between 2008 (crisis) and 2022 as well as difference between the average and min wage. This was my sketch:
The idea would be to catch the advantages of living in the UK or Belgium in terms of salary.
Here is the final report:
Tomorrow I would like to spend more time on best practices, I feel like the formatting was rushed and missing some pieces and context.