After job hunting for quite some time, I came across the data school application on the GRB website. The application for the data school is quite different from other job applications and focuses more on your ability to do the work rather than previous skills/experience you have acquired. There are also fewer stages in the application process and even opportunities for second chances! The team at GRB really supported me through the process, which gave me more confidence when applying.
The first stage of the process was to submit a short description about yourself and what you know about the Information Lab and the data school, similar to a cover letter. However, not much emphasis is given to this as you also have to teach yourself how to use tableau, which is the main data viz software used by the data school, and create your own data visualisation using a dataset of your choice. This may seem daunting but as mentioned the staff at GRB were very supportive and helped me with choosing a topic, finding a dataset and critiquing my viz before submitting. You will then receive some feedback from the data school on how to improve your viz and don't be disheartened if it isn't the nicest because they are jut testing you to make sure you will be able to handle any tough clients you may have in the future.
You will then be asked to present your viz to a member of the Information Lab and in about a week you will be given a dataset by the Information Lab and have to create a viz for it. You will have about a week or so to complete this and will have to present this at the end during your final panel interview in front of some more members of the Information Lab. You are able to receive feedback on your viz, before submitting, from someone currently at the data school. After the final interview, you will either be asked to join a cohort or be asked to redo the final stage of the process or asked to reapply. Unlike other companies if you are asked to reapply, the Information Lab hires new students about every 2 months so you don't have to wait too long and have time to work on your feedback.
Although the application process is perhaps a bit more effort than others, I would say that it definitely played to my strengths and I would advise that you make the most of the feedback offered to you. I did a rehearsal presentation in front of a representative from GRB and the data schooler I was given and I think this really helped me, especially since I was presenting virtually anyway. Good luck with the application and try to have fun, but I know its never fun applying to jobs :(