Today we had a special task! We had to create a viz using other software different than Tableau.
My choice was Power BI, after giving a try to Flourish (and giving up after an hour).
We were given Skiddle API to extract events data. I chose to extract events within 50 miles from my house. The API is interesting as it does separate the events in categories and it could be very useful when planning weekends.
Hence, I tried to build an interactive exploratory dashboard which I can use to see the events happening near me.
This is a picture of the workflow I created in order to extract all the data from the API.
As for the viz, I wanted to create a map that could be filtered and show different events and next to it two bar chart showing most expensive events and further events.
The result was pretty similar to what I intended. I found Power BI pretty user-friendly and, although it lacks some features that Tableau do have, it seems easy to create simple dashboards.
Check below my final viz.