First day of DS15 Dashboard week and the task was to web script the ASOS website, both for Women and Men and use the information extracted to create a viz.
The data preparation has been the part which has taken the longest. The first issue encountered was that the download tool did not work unless you add manually a user. In order to solve this problem, I used this workaround explained in the Alteryx Community.
Then I had to create two macros. One Bath Macro that iterates on every product within the page and extracts the information, and another Iterative macro that uses the previous macro and runs it on every page.
Here there are two snapshots of my main macro and my Final workflow.
As for the Visualization, I tried to create an exploratory viz that show the most expensive products, and its price distribution split by Male and Female.
Most of the brands have a higher average price in women clothing. While male clothing prices stands normally between £20 and £30, women clothing tends to stand in higher bin prices.
Here there is a snapshot of my visualisation which you can see here.