For today’s challenge we were required to create a dashboard that visualized the findings of a research paper. The paper looked at the huge decline of insect abundance over the past 20 years. It was a relief that there were no surprises with regard to the challenge or its requirements. However, this did present a challenge of showing the findings of the research paper in the most meaningful way.
The data was nice today. There were two datasets, one on the number of insects recorded as having been hit by a car windscreen and the other on local bird activity. The only prep that required some time was to create a date and time field as the original dataset had these parts split into separate fields. Thankfully the data prep meant that for the first time this week I went into Tableau feeling confident I could create something without having to rush (feeling very nervous for tomorrow’s data…).
I decided to split my dashboard up into three parts. The overall trend of insect abundance over time, the comparison of this with the change in bird activity, and finally the factors that were controlled for in the study. I think this structure nicely covered the main parts of the study.
I was happy with my final dashboard. It wasn’t particularly complex in terms of the Tableau knowledge required but I didn’t want to try things like set/parameter actions just for the sake of it.
Thanks for reading and here’s the final dashboard 👍