Dashboard Week: Day 5

by Hesham Eissa


Data Prep

Luckily today we didn’t have to do any data prep – most probably because we had to be finished with the dashboard and blog post before 1 PM

The Viz

For today’s viz – I wanted to compare athletes against each other based on their strength and how much each one can weigh.

To do that I wanted to use a Radar chart and I found a great blog post by Ellen Blackburn on how to create a Spider Radar chart – here is the link to her blog: /ellen-blackburn/a-simple-way-to-make-a-radar-chart/ /ellen-blackburn/a-simple-way-to-make-a-radar-chart/

Here is my viz:

Here is also the link to my viz: https://public.tableau.com/profile/hesham3827#!/vizhome/USPowerlifting/Dashboard1?publish=yes


Hesham Eissa

Thu 20 Jun 2019

Wed 19 Jun 2019

Tue 18 Jun 2019

Mon 17 Jun 2019