Resource guide for Alteryx Designer Core certification

Today I sat and passed my Alteryx Core certification! I am only in my 5th week of training and we haven't spent much time on Alteryx so far. In the days prior to sitting the exam, I rinsed the internet looking for all possible information on what to expect from the exam, including in depth detail into the tools I'd be expected to know and any other functionalities of Alteryx I'd be tested on.

The aim of this blog is to outline all the resources made available through the Alteryx community in a somewhat (attempted) organised format, because there's a lot and I didn't quite know where to start!

Exam Information

1) Read the Alteryx Certification Program to get an understanding of the types of certifications, what they mean, frequently asked questions, and certification policies. Great place to start to find out what the Certification actually is.

2) Watch the Core Exam Prep video below. This is brilliant for understanding further what is to be expected, types of questions and marking. Not only that, you get to see an example of how the questions are laid out. Understanding how to manoeuvre through the exam page meant I wasn't thrown off when I started or throughout.

Finally, what's also great is the few practice questions at the end, to again give you a feel of what to expect.

Revision Materials

1) If you are looking for a step by step guide into the majority of the tools you are tested on, the Getting Started Learning Path interactive lesson is brilliant and really deepened my knowledge of each tool. Within each tool there is a link to a training video, a link to the Tool Mastery pages (here there are really great tool use cases), and occasionally a 'TRY IT!' where you can get into Alteryx and practice with the tool.

2) The Tool Mastery Index (as introduced above) provides diverse working examples of each tool within Alteryx. Head here for tool summaries and great use cases.

3) You need to know the ins and outs of all the Data Types in Alteryx.

4) It's important to have an understanding of the Alteryx file types supported because questions do come up testing you on this.

This link will also delve into the Alteryx Database file format deeper too...

5) The last revision resource would be to get exploring in Alteryx. You can see worked examples in Alteryx by right clicking a tool > open example, see a definition of a tool by clicking on it in the tool palette and finally, see an Alteryx help page on the tool by right clicking the tool > help.

Practice Test
Finally, a practice test for you to try!

Last few words...

Definitely don't be expected to tick off every single one of these resources. Ensure you know what to expect from the exam and then identify the areas you feel less confident answering questions quickly on and focus your attention there.

I hope this helps you get started on your prep. Head to the Alteryx Community official certification page to sit your Core exam (it's free!!). Good luck!

Harriet Owen
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