The data came from this article and was in the format of a 268 page PDF.
At first we tried to prep the data by using Tableau Prep but it became clear that this wouldn't be easy. When imported into Tableau Prep, the fields were split into several columns.
In Alteryx this was easier since there were not multiple columns with the same name, we could easily remove columns we didn't need and rename them appropriately.
Next we needed to get all % values into the same format. We started with this workflow.
It split off a character then converted all %'s into a decimal format.
This step however would have had had to be repeated for each character.
So we instead used a multi-field tool to complete the process in one step.
This is how the multi-field formula was configured.
Finally I pivoted the data and output the file to be ready for excel.
In Tableau I made some very simple bar charts which could be filtered to show popularity of characters by demographic.
Downloading the PDF was a challenge since we haven't done it before. It took several attempts to do this. We eventually downloaded the data using a pdf converter.
Looking through the data for useful sheets took time as there were many sheets to look through.
It was difficult to have the correct headers in the right columns.
There were inconsistencies in %'s some were written as a % others were written as a decimal.