I think the application process for The Data School has given a small introduction as to what to expect from The Data School and life as a data consultant. These are my expectations after Day 1:
- There will be things I won’t grasp immediately but there is no shame in asking questions
- There will be days where I go home feeling my brain is completely frazzled (I think this is normal!)
- I will be able to build a platform and showcase the skills I have learnt, don’t be afraid to use social media to do this
- I will meet some really interesting people, both at The Data School and at external networking events
- There is so much opportunity to learn from others and get feedback on my work (this is not to be confused with comparing yourself to others)
and finally…..
6. I will really enjoy my time at The Data School and gain invaluable skills that I can use for the rest of my career
There you have it, my short and sweet expectations of The Data School!