Dashboard week day 5: Star Wars survey data, or “May the force to pull through day 5 be with you”

Star Wars Survey data

The final instalment of the dashboard week saga was an interesting survey conducted by Morning Consult. It required its users to give many details about their ethnicity, age and many other demographic factors, and then asked them to rate how they felt about the different Star Wars movies and specific characters.

Our side of the Data school room was tasked with analysing the survey data which had to do with the response to how people felt about the movies.

Episode 1: Preparing the data

Here, the data was already given to us as a pdf, and Tableau PDF converter was not giving us the data in a format that we felt was good enough for analysis. Using a pdf to excel converter tool giving us a relatively clean excel file, we were then able to make quick work of the data preparation with Alteryx.

This allowed me to appreciate the effectiveness of Alteryx again, in its ability to process and clean survey data. RegEx and text to columns. Simple and easy expressions which really help clean and organise the data, particularly the heavy textual data such as survey data. This was probably the most straightforward data prepping we had to do this week.

Episode 2: Creating a visualisation

For the visualisation, I wanted to make some sort of investigative piece, instead of offering an exploratory tool as I usually do. I wanted to outline the change in perception between the first and second, and then the second and third generations, and see how the perspectives have changed of Star Wars over the years.

As I started visualising the data however, I felt that I did not make enough use of the interesting demographics associated with the survey responses, and so I decided to include an exploratory dashboard to allow people to give the opportunity for people to explore this cool survey data. I guess I lied after all…

Episode 3: Survey Insights

  • First generation is the most preferred, but third generation comes second: they took the criticism and made it better.
  • Donald Trump supporters are 10% more likely to have a highly favourable opinion of Star Wars compared to those of Hilary.
  • Men are more likely to enjoy Star Wars, as are
  • 65+ are the age group which are the most likely to appreciate Star Wars.

More insights and a link to the Viz here : https://public.tableau.com/profile/eliott.sacau#!/vizhome/starwarssurvey/Dashboard1

Eliott Sacau
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